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Pot figs for

Terrace or balcony

Find some helpful information here

for the right choice.

All types are possible.


Varieties marked with potted fig (T) on our list of varieties are to be preferred.


Pot figs grow slowly.


a) A cold wintering room is available (2-10 ° C, can be dark):
You can also choose one of the great non-hardy varieties. (-10 ° C 8a)


b) Overwintering outdoors:
Depending on the protection of the location, choose a variety with at least -13 ° C 7b winter hardiness.




What else is important:

Observe the culture description "The pot fig culture" (overwintering).

The hardiness specification refers to the tree that has been planted.
It does not apply here because potted figs with frozen roots begin to dry up after 14 days.

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