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Location example zone temperature label color

Lunz 6a -22 ° C (-23.3 to -20.5C *) red


Klagenfurt 6b -19 ° C (-20.4 to -17.8 ° C *) blue / pink


Passau 7a -16 ° C (-17.7 to -15 ° C *) purple / green


Vienna 7b -13 ° C (-14.9 to -12.3 ° C *) orange

Bozen 8a -10 ° C (-12.2 to -9.5 ° C *) yellow

* The temperature data refer to:

_ the mean annual minimum air temperature.

_ Plants planted out, not on potted plants.



These zone divisions are only guidelines and do not represent an absolute value.

They are an important guide / indicator for the possibility of cultivating plants in certain regions.

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